St. Mary & St. Barbara

Catholic Churches
Wedding Planning Guide
Outline of a Wedding Mass {Catholic + Catholic}
Procession with hymn
Altar server with the cross
Groom [alone or escorted by his parent(s)]
Couples of the wedding party (in reverse order)
Maid (or Matron) of Honor & Best Man
Ring bear
Flower girl
Bride escorted by her parent(s)
Opening Prayer or Collect
Gloria (except Advent & Lent)
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Alleluia Verse
Gospel Reading
Questions of Intent
Exchange & Reception of Vows
Blessing of Rings
Universal Prayer
Presentation of the Gifts
Prayer Over the Gifts
Eucharistic Preface
Nuptial Blessing after Lord's Prayer
Sign of Peace
Prayer after Communion
Final Blessing
Introduction of the Couple
I am proud to introduce to you for the first time: Mr. & Mrs. John Doe
I am proud to introduce to you for the first time: John & Jan Doe
Recession with hymn
Server with the cross
Bride & Groom
Wedding Party
Ring Bear & Flower Girl
Parents of the Bride & Groom (optional)
Receiving Line (front steps or vestibule)
Outline of a Wedding Without a Mass {Catholic + Non Catholic}
Procession with hymn
Altar server with the cross
Groom [alone or escorted by his parent(s)]
Couples of the wedding party (in reverse order)
Maid (or Matron) of Honor & Best Man
Ring bear
Flower girl
Bride escorted by her parent(s)
Opening Prayer or Collect
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Alleluia Verse
Gospel Reading
Questions of Intent
Exchange & Reception of Vows
Blessing of Rings
Universal Prayer
Nuptial Blessing after Lord's Prayer
Final Blessing
Introduction of the Couple
I am proud to introduce to you for the first time: Mr. & Mrs. John Doe
I am proud to introduce to you for the first time: John & Jan Doe
Recession with hymn
Server with the cross
Bride & Groom
Wedding Party
Ring Bear & Flower Girl
Parents of the Bride & Groom (optional)
Receiving Line (front steps or vestibule)
Wedding Selection Worksheets
(to be filled out and turned into Fr. Tim)

"[Adam] said: 'This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh ...' That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body." -Genesis 2:23-24