St. Mary & St. Barbara

Catholic Churches
St. Barbara Women's League
The St. Barbara Women’s League is comprised of every adult woman of the parish. The aim of the Women’s League is to assist in meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the parish, its parishioners, and the community.
The League sponsors such events as Mornings of Recollection for area women and Vacation Bible School for elementary students. We offer assistance to our Youth Groups and Holy Spirit School. The Women’s League is in charge of the Soup and Sandwich Fellowship during Lent. We also provide funeral luncheons for the families of deceased parishioners and offer emotional support to parishioners in times of illness and distress and celebrate with them in times of joy. The League helps to meet the needs of many area charities, such as the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Hospice, and the Cancer Society.
We also help with the material well-being of the parish. For example, the League has upholstered pews for the convenience of the handicapped parishioners, contributed to the purchase of vestments for the altar servers, and bought the new processional cross. The group also maintains the kitchen, buys kitchen supplies, and seeks improvements of the parish hall.
In order to finance all of our activities, the League has two major fund raisers each year. We have a fall and a spring luncheon.
The Women’s League meets on the first Tuesday of each month from September through May at 1:00 in the Parish Hall.
Occasionally we have an evening meeting. We hope that you will be able to join us at our meetings or assist us with our events. For more information, please call the Parish Office or President Judy Ball at 563-9408. We hope to see you soon!