St. Mary & St. Barbara

Catholic Churches

Middle School Ministries "MSM"
What is Middle School Ministries or MSM?
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me... for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." —Mark 10:14
MSM is geared for children in fifth through eighth grades.
MSM is about faith, fun and service. We do games with meaning and function for our everyday lives.
Our meetings are held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. right after Faith Formation in St. Mary's Parish Hall. The sessions last about one hour.
It is wonderful if you can even attend some of the meetings. You are not obligated to attend all of the meetings.
I have developed a point system for the youth. They can earn points for attending MSM by bringing friends or attending Mass. All of their points add up at the end of the Faith Formation year and prizes will be awarded. The incentive behind our point-based system is to encourage the youth that giving back to others is a reward in itself. There are some requirements such as helping with the MSM fundraising in order to win.
I schedule outings throughout the year for our middle school youth. If you have any questions, or would like to get involved in any capacity, I would be truly grateful for your help.