St. Mary & St. Barbara

Catholic Churches
3. Prior to the wedding or at any time prior to the divorce was your ex-spouse baptized either Catholic or another Christian denomination?
4. At the time of your prior marriage were you baptized in another Christian denomination?
5. Before the wedding, did either of you receive permission from the Church (for example spoke with a priest) to get married outside of the Catholic Church?
6. At any time did you have your prior marriage convalidated or "blessed" or do a renewal of vows with a priest or deacon?
7. Was your ex-spouse a baptized Catholic at the time of the wedding?
8. In your former mariage, were you married in the Catholic Church?
9. Were you the primary cause of the breakdown in your former marriage?
10. Do you have plans to marry a Catholic or baptized Protestant?
11. Was your ex-spouse baptized Catholic at the time of the wedding?
12. Concerning your former marriage, were you married in the Catholic Church?
13. After your divorce, did you get baptized or have a desire to become baptized?
14. Were you the primary cause of the breakdown of your former marriage?
15. At the time of the wedding, was your ex-spouse baptized Protestant / non-denominational Christian?
16. Has your ex-spouse become baptized or have they expressed a desire to become baptized?
17. After your marriage occurred, did you get baptized or have a desire to become baptized?
18. Was your ex-spouse baptized Protestant / non-denominational Christian?
19. Were you the primary cause of the breakdown of your former marriage?
20. Do you have plans to enter into a new marriage with a Catholic?
21. Prior to the wedding, did either of you obtain permission from the Church to get married outside the Church?
22. At any time, did either of you have your married convalidated (blessed or renewal of vows) in the Catholic Church?
23. Prior to the wedding, did either of you obtain permission from the Church to get married outside the Church?
24. At any time, did either of you have your married convalidated (blessed or renewal of vows) in the Catholic Church?
25. Do you wish to become baptized?
26. Were you the primary cause of the breakdown of your former marriage?
27. Do you have plans to remarry?
28. Was your ex-spouse married prior to marrying you?
29. Was your ex-spouse's prior marriage ever declared null or invalide by the Catholic Church?
30. Was your ex-spouse's first spouse alive when you married them?