St. Mary & St. Barbara

Catholic Churches
Knights of Columbus
Holy Spirit Council #9523
The Knights of Columbus is a Fraternal Organization. Worldwide we are an organization like no other. We are men of faith guided by our belief in God and the Catholic Church. We also believe in each other and in ourselves. We are an organization strengthened by our goals and successes. We are dedicated to five key areas of service: Faith, Community, Family, Youth and Fellowship. We are dedicated to making a difference.
Become a member today and help us make that difference. Our motto incorporates unity, charity, fraternity and patriotism. For more information please feel free to contact any of the following: Dave Ivey (563-8769), Tony Baciak (563-9522), David Haelterman (563-5273), Bob DeGrave (563-8095) or John Radlinger (563-5547).
Find out more information at: www.kofc.org

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